ISU Researchers receive NSF Award to research new nano-sized structure for drug delivery

pradeepa 07.18.2024

A research team led by Dr. Ian Schneider will explore alternative ways to deliver drugs to manage a variety of cell damage driven diseases (fibrosis, cancer, etc.) and soft-tissue injuries

Dr. Ian Schneider, an associate professor in the department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Iowa State University, will lead a multi-year project to explore alternative ways to deliver drugs to manage a variety of diseases such as fibrosis, cancer, and inflammation. The research team leading the study represents disciplines including biochemistry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and cell biology. The research team will explore the use of a nano-sized container made completely from DNA to release drugs wherever and whenever they are needed in response to forces generated by or acting on cells in the body. Therefore, making disease treatments more precise and effective while minimizing side effects for the patient.

The ISU Research Team

  • Ian Schneider, Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Anwesha Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Marit Nilsen-Hamilton, Professor, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology

Many diseases begin when cells experience or exert irregular forces. Generally, a healthy level of force can be physical in nature like lifting heavy weights causing microtears in the muscle fiber resulting in building muscle mass. Irregular cell-mediated forces can be exerted in response to environmental impacts such as minor exposure to air pollution causing cellular response to protect the lungs. An example of an irregular force is in a disease such as fibrosis where the disease begins when cells in connective tissue called fibroblasts become overactive due to occurrences such as major environmental pollution or infections that cause scarring in locations such as the lungs. In the context of cancer, abnormal events cause cells to generate more force than healthy cells, triggering the progression of cancer. Additionally, tissue injuries such as sports and movement injuries caused by overexertion to ligaments and tendons can lead to inflammation with immediate swelling and pain followed by longer-term impacts like tissue damage that impact quality of life.

“This is a really fundamental study on how to design unique drug delivery mechanisms,” Dr. Schneider says. “We are pulling together a lot of distinct fields to understand how cells transmit mechanical forces and how to design force-sensitive nano-sized particles.”

Cells experience forces within the extracellular matrix, a protein web that surrounds cells. Force on the extracellular matrix impacts its structure and leads to the affected cells communicating information to the surrounding cells. Forces leading to tissue injury can damage the extracellular matrix. The research team in this study will explore connecting a nano-sized container made by folding DNA into a specific 3D shape to the extracellular matrix through specific DNA sequences with a mechanical lock. When forces occur upon the extracellular matrix, the mechanical lock, held together by a specific DNA sequence, will be broken, releasing drug molecules, and sending a signal within the chain of communication to the surrounding cells to protect the cells from immediate damage. The nano-sized container can hold a variety of different drug molecules, making it a versatile vehicle to deliver more precise drugs to reduce disease impacts and improve the quality of life for individuals.

“My lab has really focused on understanding how cells sense and respond to mechanical forces and mechanical properties,” says Dr. Schneider. “This work is distinct in that it uses our experience in understanding cell-mediated forces in the design of these folded DNA structures. Many people have used these folded DNA structures, as well as other nanoparticles, for drug delivery. To our knowledge, there are no platform particles that can release a drug in response to cell-mediated forces.”

The research project will not only advance potential treatments to injury-based disease, but also develop the next generation of scientists. Several graduate students will be working on the project and team leads will also have interactions with undergraduate students at Iowa State University through mentorship and training programs, such as the BioMap REU Program. Additional activities are planned to illustrate the fundamentals from this project through ties with the Science Center of Iowa in Des Moines, Iowa and other adult and youth learning groups.

Read more about this project here

Article written by Pradeepa Sukumaran and Hanna Bates