
Next Generation Countermeasures for Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases

April 2-3, 2025 [In-person only]

The Gateway Hotel & Conference Center
Ames, Iowa

The global economy and trade of ecosystem services drive how humans and animals are interlinked, often dictating their health and resilience. Large-scale agricultural systems are necessary for food and energy, but current management practices lead to respiratory and chemical toxin exposure, and concentrations of animals and people. Given the dynamic nature of global pathogenic transmissibility, strains of respiratory diseases such as influenza, that may have once been confined endemically or partially controlled by vaccination within animals and people now have the capability to swathe entire regions and continents, resulting in pandemics. SARS-CoV-2 shined a light on weaknesses within public health but proved the ingenuity of biomedical research to produce, evaluate, and authorize a vaccine in under a year. The recent emergence of avian H5N1 within the livestock industry will be the next grand challenge to understand the biology of the disease and to develop existing and novel treatments to ensure global food security and to protect human populations.

The event will bring together experts from all corners of vaccine and therapeutic research to advance promising and robust next-generation nanovaccines and nanotherapeutics through regulatory approvals and to clinical trials. The program will emphasize a transdisciplinary approach to transform the design and manufacturing of nanovaccines and nanotherapeutics that integrates nanotechnology, materials science, immunology, oncology, neuroscience, microbiology, clinical science, and social science.

The program committee also believes that innovative research is centered on early career development and training to foster the next generation of scientists. Programming will emphasize early career participation, mentorship, and high-impact research opportunities.

To bring together experts from all corners of vaccine and therapeutic research to advance novel next-generation nanoparticle-based vaccines and therapeutics to clinical trials.

To facilitate the exchange of ideas and expertise towards translation of the development, manufacturing, and access to safe and effective nanovaccines and nanotherapeutics for human and animal health on a global scale, as well as the public dissemination of this knowledge.

With the promotion of nano-based vaccines and therapeutics, we envision healthy and resilient social-ecological communities around the world that have equitable access to medical countermeasures to mitigate emergent global public health challenges.

To submit an abstract, please follow the instruction links below. 

Request for Poster AbstractsDue February 1, 2025 5 PM Central Time


Program Contact

Hanna Bates
Research Administrator III
Nanovaccine Institute