Joel Coats, PhD

phone: 515-294-4776
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Entomology
Iowa State University
2007 Advanced Teaching and Research Building 2213 Pammel Drive Ames, IA 50011-1025
B.S. Arizona State University, 1970
M.S. University of Illinois, 1972
Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1974
Research interests: Insect Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology, Arthropod Management Technologies, Vector Biology and Public Health
Joel’s research program includes two main areas: (1) insect toxicology and (2) environmental toxicology and environmental chemistry of agrochemicals. His research in the insect toxicology area is focused primarily on natural products as insecticides and insect repellents, including investigations of their spectrum of activity, mechanisms of action, metabolism, synthesis of biorational derivatives and analogs, quantitative structure-activity relationships. His scientific publications include 10 books, 7 review articles, 41 book chapters, and 142 peer-reviewed journal articles, and he holds 9 patents. He teaches in five graduate courses: Insecticide Toxicology, Pesticides in the Environment, Special Topics in Insect Toxicology, and portions of Principles of Toxicology, and Laboratory Methods in Toxicology. Joel has served as major professor for 44 graduate students who graduated from his lab, plus 3 current ones, and served as advisor for 13 postdocs.