Registration & Accommodations


Conference registration will open in January 2025.

Childcare Resources

For childcare support, please refer to the Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) program to identify childcare programs in proximity to the conference site. Please see the Child Care Search, which is an online search tool that helps individuals find childcare in the State of Iowa. Those seeking local childcare must plan in advance due to program and facility availability, and paperwork and health documentation required by state licensing in Iowa before a child can attend care.

Hotel Reservation

A group rate is available at The Gateway Hotel and Conference Center for April 1-2, 2025, for $114/night. All room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes, currently 12%.

The deadline to reserve hotel stay under the group rate is March 12, 2025. Rooms and rates are subject to availability at the time of the booking and may not be available after the cut-off date.

Gateway Hotel & Conference Center
2100 Green Hills Dr, Ames, IA 50014
(515) 292-8600
Code: Nanovaccine

Travel Reimbursement Scholarships

Travel reimbursement scholarships are available to support travel for attendees of the conference. Applicants must complete the below applications to be considered.

Recipients must submit receipts for travel expenses related to conference attendance within one week following the conference. To qualify for reimbursement, attendees must travel via economy-level transportation services, including car rental and air travel. Hotel stay must be through The Gateway Hotel and Conference Center hotel block for the event unless there are no longer rooms available through the hotel block. If that is the case, written confirmation of no hotel rooms available at The Gateway Hotel and Conference Center must be received with receipt submission. Travel reimbursement will be received within 30 days of the event. Questions regarding the award and travel reimbursement policy can be directed to Hanna Bates,

Applications are due March 3, 2025, 5 PM Central Time

Student Travel Reimbursement Application (Undergraduate, Graduate)

Early Career Travel Reimbursement Application (up to 10 years post-graduation following terminal degree)